Patris » Βιομηχανικό Μουσείο Ερμούπολης - Κέντρο Τεχνικού Πολιτισμού


The Industrial Museum organised from August 2010 to June 2011 an exhibition about the history of the Greek steamship industry, which put on display for the first time several objects salvaged in 2006 from the wrecked steamship Patris. Institutions interested in hosting the exhibition should contact the CTC-IMH to be informed about the exhibition technical specifications, transport and insurance requirements.

Patris - Lost in 1868


Patris - Lost in 1868

Performing historical research, salvaging a shipwreck and, at the same time, filming a dramatised documentary about the project is unprecedented in Greece.

Patris - Lost in 1868

Filming began in October 2006, in co-production by the Industrial Museum and ERT (the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation), while preparation leading up to it took at least two years.

Patris - Lost in 1868

The Industrial Museum’s participation in filming expenses was made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Pateras family, which was later extended to cover the restoration of the salvaged steamship wheel, and carried out as part of a research programme jointly run by the Technological Educational Institute and the National Technical University of Athens.

Patris - Lost in 1868

The film’s purpose is to make this exciting undertaking known internationally. During filming, one of the two steamship wheels, weighing 14-16 tons and lying 52 meters underwater, as well as a number of other finds, were salvaged and placed in a special, purpose-build wing at the Industrial Museum in Syros.

Patris - Lost in 1868